This section of cyberspace
owned by the UNITED KINGDOM!
This page created by David Doyle of Merseyside, UK
Welcome to, the Computer Game at the End of the Universe!
Home of the Interactive Hitchhikers Guide Adventure!
Play the Game! | The Creator (and Photos!) | E-mail Zaphod! | Click here to Help Make the Game!
Hello and Welcome to ZAPHODGAME.TK! Our aim here is to compile a HUGE Sci-Fi-Themed Role-Playing Game, based upon THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, undoubtedly the funniest and most fantastic-est book of all time!
Basically, we would like YOU people to send us your scripts for individual pages or chapters of the game (to see how it works, click below to play it!) based on a brief given to you by us. Or why not just send us your scripts and we will work them into the story-line!
Whatever you do, this is YOUR CHANCE to be part of a fun little project, and see your plots develop into a full-blown and INTERACTIVE STORY for everyone in the world to play! (You will of course get full credit for your work!)
Please click the link below to play the (incomplete) Beta version of the game!
(I warn you it is JUST a test, so please don't hurt me...)
Play The Interactive H2G2 Adventure Game: Zaphod Game!
Keep checking back for updates, and the game should be fully operational by the end of the summer holidays!
Of course, I will be expanding the universe all the time! If I get enough interest, I'll start PAYING (GASP!) for my webspace in order to add graphics, animations and stuff!
Here are some story briefs to begin with. We would like some pages about:
- Any room on a Vogon spaceship
- The Guide itself
- The Vogon galley staff (see the story for some information)
- Small furry creatures from Alpha Centuri
Well, thanks for visiting! PLEASE BOOKMARK THIS PAGE and check back every so often to see how the game is progressing!
Thank you for your interest,
Zaphod, Web Master.
© I recognise that anything and everything to do with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy belongs to Douglas Adams (May he Rest In Peace) and make no claim whatsoever that any of his work is mine.
I would also like to thank him for the years of enjoyment he has given to many many people, including myself. Thank you Douglas Noel Adams, for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...